
By CharChar

Trams and Fado

Today we ticked off another must do in Lisbon which was the number 28 tram. It’s recommended you stay on it for a round circle so we did just that. It was great it goes up all the really narrow streets and you can literally touch the walls as you go past.

After the tram trip we stopped to do some shopping my favourite past time! Got some bargains too which was nice.

We then headed back up to near the castle to go to Miradouro Santa Luzia which is a beautiful view point all over the city. It was then time for a well earned drink and lunch.

Tonight we ticked off another tradition and went to a Fado which is a dinner with guitarists and singers they are very popular in Lisbon with lots of restaurants offering this, we got to see three different singers which all sang in Portuguese but they were amazing. We asked what they sing about and it’s generally love and heartbreak. The guitarists were so talented as well. The food was excellent too.

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