
Don’t watch the film ‘The Tamdhu Imposition’. It is now being cast; a courier arrived at Creel HQ this afternoon and delivered me two bottles of Tamdhu.  This is the imposition.   I can’t understand how this happens.     I then chanced  some tidying in the polytunnel.  This year we had asparagus, parsnips, carrots, beetroot, watercress (which is coming again) kale, cabbage, sprouts, peas, leeks, onions (great crop this year).  I now need to get the seaweed into the soil. I then came in and lit the stove.  It’s been very dark today with an unannounced blue blink at about 15.30hrs. 

Today’s pic features a very weel kent Stromness worthy – Frankie.  He has been to the sea all of his life.  The most infamous tale (of the myriad) involves a stepladder and a pair of breeks around the ankles.  It also all went wrong for Frankie in 1947. He had a brief, flirtatious, correspondence with Maureen O’Hara and she invited him over to New York City for her latest film.  She said he might have a bit part (he was mortified and threatened to sue).  Things didn’t turn out well and when he was back in Orkney, he boycotted the Kirkwall Picture House’s showing of ‘The Mackerel on 34th Street’  Undeterred, he told me today that  (and this is verbatim) ‘Beuy, I cannae be deewan wi all yon shite in the Hooses of Parlement’.   Apparently, he’s auditioning for a remake of the ‘Bonfire of the Inanities’.

Jean o’ Clestrain arrived at Creel HQ last night for tea; she’s certainly no een fae aff.

And finally a piece of advice; never go on holiday to a location where the local folk still point at planes.

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