Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Norman Wisdom?

Except these are not growing on me, nor are they from the garden. EB for me today after a busy day, Colin bought these for me the other day, no scent but lovely colours. Pickle has not yet found them so they are more or less intact!
This morning I went over to Ali's and then we went shopping in Corstorphine. Its her birthday on Saturday, what a year it's been, married and motherhood, I said she doesn't need any more presents she's had lots - she doesn't agree!
I took them a batch of stew which I made the other day so that's in her freezer for when it's needed.
Had a chat with Kathryn this evening, she's had parent's day phone call meetings for both girls. They're doing fine, confident, kind and interested, an ideal way to be at school. Isobel has settled in very quickly. From not knowing anybody she has quickly built a circle of friends. Having a birthday early in the school year was helpful too as the class got together at her party.
Keep safe everyone, there are so many other things going on around us that sometimes it's easy to forget that all is not yet back to normal.
1400 day streak on Duolingo today, I'll never get those hours back!

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