Wrong door!!!

The door and window fitters arrived at about 9 o'clock so Lady Linda, Bella and I made a sharp exit!!

LL took us for a lovely 5 mile walk over the Sussex Downs, stopping for some cheese on sourdough toast at a local cafe.

I then spent the afternoon in her bright, warm conservatory doing some crochet whole Bella chased pigeons round LL's enormous garden!

Mr W then messaged to say the door was wrong. There wasn't enough glass in it and the top 2 panes are smaller than the other ones! We specifically said we wanted a lower level of glass so I could see Bella waiting to come in. This door..... whilst looking lovely..... can't complain about the quality at all...... but its not what we asked for. And we wernt allowed into the factory to check it as they wernt insured for members of the public!!

Mr W then came and collected me and Bella and we were all fed fish pie by LL. Its been a lovely day but I'm glad I wasn't at home on this chilly day while the back of the house was exposed!!!!

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