Sunny Spot

I was up early to go and look after Jasper. He was so happy to see me and literally pushed his mummy out the front door!! Hilarious!

Bit of issue with the Internet. The local mast was down so no phone signal and our router that was due to be delivered went awol!! Mr W then chased then round the village till we got our router back as it was vitally important especially as Mr W works from home and I had alot of enquiries for my bisqueware after listing it all yesterday.

Luckily as soon as the router arrived we were live. Hurrah. So hopefully I can catch up on a few journals!

I took Jasper to soft play where he decided to go backwards down the big boy slide!!! Eeek!

Hes the most adorable chatty little chap.

Our sitting room is quite dark because of the trees outside but Bella will always find the sunny spot !

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