Guarding the palace

It’s hard work being a tourist.
Up and out on to the tourist bus down to Holyrood Palace first thing. I’ve lived in and near Edinburgh for nearly 20’years but never done the palace tour. So today was the day - and it was very interesting. I did lose track of who was who in all those portraits, but it didn’t really matter.
Rounded off the tour with coffee and scone at the cafe. Then a walk up to Chambers Street. It was colder than we expected so popped in to the pub for a snifter and a warm up. Then, off to a Harry Potter guided tour - (not guided by HP of course). It was rather tenuous and tedious I’m afraid. and cold! We were all glad when it finished and we could escape back to our apartment for a cuppa and cake. That was the end of the weekend for me - Mr KT kindly drove in to town to collect me as the trains were on strike. Left my pals for a final night on the town and then their flight home tomorrow.

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