Boaty Bunch

A lovely day with Neil and Brenda - brunch in Nude whilst Danny taught 2 classes. N&B gave the kids a game called Dinosaur Bingo - they are absolutely loving it. We've already played several rounds!
Later in the day we caught the bus up the coast and then got the boat back down to town. We were the only people on it actually and it absolutely flew across the waves - very very bouncy!! 
We've had a tricky situation tonight where one of our homeless friends stole a friend's phone - argh... such a horrible thing. She's eventually gone and got it back from the person she sold it to, but it's been a pretty horrible and awkward thing. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The phone being reunited with it's owner.
2) The fun of Dino Bingo - I reckon we'll play that a lot!
3) Time with N&B.

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