Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Greetings from Workland!

Got a phone call from the agency at just gone 7am this morning and by twenty past I was on my way to my first assignment, a day covering IT lessons.

The school was an hour away but it was an easy run and it was certainly wonderful to be back in a classroom again. It was a very nice, friendly school and I think it all went well.

The best bit, though, was that one of the lovely trainee teachers who was in my department last year was in the next room, having got a permanent teaching position there - what are the odds?!?

In other news… we should have been seeing Genesis at the O2 tonight but they’ve apparently got Covid! I’ve also put a picture in the ‘extras’ of the hot air balloon I saw on the way home, which is nothing to do with anything but made me smile!

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