Another warmish sunny day, a pilates class first thing this morning and then back home. Its our son's birthday today and we had a good chat with him. He seems fairly settled and enjoying his time in Birmingham especially catching up with old mates.
Late afternoon I popped out to the garage for something from the fridge and came back to find that my husband had locked the door. Our side gate is set up so its openable from the front but not the back. I desperate tried banging on the house windows, then the dustbin with a stick but I couldn't attract his attention. Fortunately a little while later one of our neighbours stopped mowing the lawn and I was able to call across to him. He then opened the side gate and I could get back into the house. Todays berries were taken from the garden earlier. We have notice that the pigeons seem to line up on the fence and then drop into the shrub so its surprising some of the berries remain.
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