Last trip ..
This morning we all had breakfast at the beach in Portobello.. not physically ON the beach .. the rain was pretty fierce … we had a lovely time and lovely food at the Beach house cafe . We watched the waves rolling as we were safe inside with a lovely sea view ..
Just look at me and Po twinning it .. we both have a rather big penchant for faux fur jackets and also ended up purchasing the same umbrellas !! I think people must be under the impression we are weirdo twins who dress the same , it actually happens quite often !!!
Left Edinburgh at 11.15am , a couple of stops, dropped Po off first ( she lives down the road ) and I was in the door by 5.30 , a really good run .
It’s been a fantastic weekend .
Thanks to Diane, Hel , Trisha and of course to my LeeAnne who always gives her bed up for Po and I xxxxxxxxx
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