Stanley Bridge

I came back home quite early, this morning, so I could take Abi's car down to Kirkby Motors for its MOT. After walking back - and getting slightly damp in the process - I worked from home, thinking I'd fit in a lunchtime run, despite the rain, which was hammering down at various times over the course of the morning. 

Happily, it abated just after one o'clock, so I took a late lunch and ran over to Casterton. I took this photo of Stanley Bridge on my way back. Built in the 1930's, this bridge is the one that handles the traffic over the Lune, while Devil's Bridge simply hangs out looking picturesque.

I didn't entirely avoid the rain, actually; it started to come down after I was about four miles into my run. I don't mind that at all, though. It's actually rather pleasant if it rains once you're out and warmed up (and not too far from home).

After work, I wandered down to the Royal Barn for a couple of beers with my friend, Adie, whom I haven't seen for a while. I first met him in 1991, when my wife and I had to move out of our flat after the arrival of my eldest, Charlie, and Adie rented it from us. Amazingly, thirty years on, he seems to have retained all his youthfulness, including his ready smile and hearty laugh.

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