Day in kitchen

Apart from when I was doing the ironing or walking the dog feels like I have been in the kitchen all day.
Decided to do a nice meal and make an effort with a candle. Made a dessert and bread.
We alway go for a walk before breakfast on a Saturday and pick up a paper and fresh muffins from the bakery and then have a nice relaxing breakfast. This morning hubby thought he would check the local news on line for an update on fuel availability and would you believe it Morrison’s had some, so off he dashed and managed to fill up the Jeep.
I was so pleased as a tank will get us to the cottage and back.
It has rained for most of the day, although our morning walk was dry, Hetty and I got wet on the afternoon walk.
Nice phone chat with sister while I was cooking.
New series of Into the night available so think we will watch a couple of episodes.

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