Weather app was correct

Today our weather app said it was going to rain all day. When we woke up it was absolutely chucking it down with rain. However our weather app often lies so Ann said, 'Trixie, I'll take you in the field for toileting purposes and then after breakfast the rain will probably have stopped and you can have a proper walk.'

We had our breakfast and caught up on an hour of Coronation Street it was still raining. However, I always get a walk (whatever the weather) so we
went out. Ann thought about putting her waterproof trousers on but decided that it wasn't really raining that hard. It was!  After 10 mins we were both soaked through to our skin. To be honest I think this has been the wettest walk that I have ever had in my life.

Ann said, 'Trixie, we can't get any wetter than wet so we might as well just keep going and then we can stay in for the rest of the day. I didn't have a choice in the matter and I was made to walk for more than four and a half miles this morning in torrential rain!!!

The only good thing about this walk was................. the beaches were empty cos no one else seems to take their dogs out in the rain and as of 1st October I'm allowed to go on all the beaches at any time of the day and night. Yay!

Unfortunately Ann didn't take any photos of me because it was raining so hard, she'd put her phone into one of my poo bags a clean one obviously because her very expensive 'Berghaus' anorak seems to have lost all its waterproofing and her phone was in the pocket?!!

When we got home I had to stand patiently in the kitchen while Ann took all her clothes off. And I mean ALL her clothes. She closed the kitchen blinds first. Lol. Not a pretty sight!!! Then she dried me (while she was naked) because I was the wettest I've ever been in my life. Even when I go swimming I'm sure I don't get this wet.

I spent the afternoon snoozing in my bed. And Ann spent the afternoon saying she really should get on with some of the jobs she'd been saving for a 'rainy day' but she couldn't be bothered.

…............Oh well, there's always tomorrow....................

PS – Weather app is showing rain for the rest of our life!!!

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