Bissoe cycle trail

You wouldn't believe how wet I got on my 'first thing in the morning walk'?!!!! We only walked for 25 mins and my human had to take off every single item of clothing, dry herself and get re-dressed. Grrrrrrrrrr........ She was NOT happy. And apparently, I was stinking the house out?!! Well, I can't help that can I? I'm a dog and dogs smell when they get wet. It wasn't my fault??!!

By 10am the sun had come out and as we got our 'poorly car' back yesterday, Ann said, 'Trixie I'm running out of wine food so let's go to 'Asda' and then I'll take you for a more enjoyable walk. So that is what we did.

We walked down the Estuary beside the prickly bushes where all the bunnies live. BUT do you know what? There wasn't one single bunny around to chase this morning. Booooohooooo.

This afternoon we met our friend, Tessa, at the 'Bissoe Cycle Trail'. I've never, ever been there before, but Ann has walked the whole 12-mile coast to coast route with 'MollyCollie' a few times. Today we only walked a little way along the trail and then turned around and came back, but we were still out for a couple of hours, and I had a lovely time running after my orange bouncy ball. The only trouble with the cycle trail was..................... there were cyclists on it. Grrrrrrr...................... However, I have to say, I was a very good little collie pup. Every time a cyclist was approaching, I took the opportunity to lie down and have a rest. …............And my human feels that she has to acknowledge how polite the Cornish cyclists were. Most of them thanked her for keeping me out of their way. In Edinburgh, the cyclists are so aggressive, it's a miracle that we haven't been knocked down and killed by now.

Because it has rained soooooo much over the last few days everywhere was a bit muddy, so I ended up very dirty, but I was a very good girl and just jumped into the fast-flowing stream to get clean. 

Also, when we got back to the car, Tessa gave me a big bag of carrots and a new bouncy ball. How nice was that?! Unfortunately, I'm too tired to enjoy either. I've been fast asleep in bed ever since we got home.

Happy Sunday evening peeps. xxx

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