Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Blip Meet (Slight Return)

Another red letter day today as I finally got to meet two people that I’ve longed to clap eyes on for years! Erstwhile Blipper SunkeneyedGirl and her daughter, The Child! When I first made their acquaintance here in Blipworld they were living in Italy and the chances of meeting them seemed slim. Even when they moved to Scotland they weren’t exactly handy… but the great day has finally come!

Unbelievably, for those of us ancient enough to have followed The Child from her earliest appearances on Blip, she’s now all grown up and just starting a course at The University of Dundee, which I’m delighted about! All the very best to her.

It was such a thrill to meet them both and to have a good old chin-wag over another hearty brunch at The Bach. It was also a surprise to discover that SunkeneyedGirl and M had had a slight overlap at university and knew some people and places in common. It really IS a small world.

My favourite musical scion of Dundee has to be the late, much lamented, Billy MacKenzie of The Associates. So here they are with the stone cold classic, ‘Party Fears Two’, dedicated to the two lovelies above.

After our meal, M and I climbed to the top of Dundee Law, the hill from which it’s possible to see the whole of the city. Magnificent views! On the way down we stopped to watch some skateboarders (see Extras) before getting an ice cream from the Dundee branch of Jannetta’s Gelateria. This is becoming a habit…

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