Money grabbing monkeys!

So the phrase for the holiday is 'Can I have a pound, please' (Or Elliot, 'canna paaaand please')

The amusements are joined onto the evening entertainment place so once the children's entertainment is done they're off and hounding us for money!! To be fair to the children they are spending their daily allowance on plastic tat for us, so we should be grateful?!

Went swimming this morning, it was blooming freezing but the children didn't care! Very embarrassing moment as I waddling around the pool in my swimmy, I had a little glance to my right and about 15 of our friends are all sitting waving at me from the bar that's joined... I actually wanted to die!!!!

Went back to the caravan where Colin, May and Elliot had a little sleep 4 HOURS!!!! It did work out in our favour as we were out until 1.30am singing karaoke, the children were rocking JLS!

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