Just me..

By Sunnyclouds

Sport Relief!

The girls had to dress up as their favourite sports personality today for school... This is as good as it gets!! Colin wanted Evie to go as an Arsenal player wearing his Arsenal top from when he was 6 but she wasn't having any of it. No amount of money could bribe her!! She read in church this morning and made me very proud :) although she did stack it on the way to church so her tights were covered in holes, mud and blood... A quick trip home and then back to the school with fresh tights dried up her tears!

May went as a show jumper called Gracie-Ella and she has a pink horse and she lives on and cloud and she's magic and she has tricks in her hat and she wins badges and she's a princess and sometimes she wears a crown and and and.... The story went on for a good 15 minutes whilst we all sat their smiling and nodding and taking a sneaky look at the clock as time was getting on!!!

I really hope my girls grow up as close as me and my sister!

No pm school run for me, hurrah, so I have more time for washing, cooking and clearing up, Boooooo!!

Have great weekends y'all!!

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