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My first Blip was of the plant, Crocus tournefortii, on 7th October 2011, almost ten years ago to the day.   It's still one of my favourites.   It's been a reliable garden plant in Norfolk for over twenty years and seems to offer the same here in Wales.   The flowers do get a bit battered by the weather as they stay open but each corm produces two or more in succession so the display repeats after the storms.

A work day for me at Aber cafe while Jamie and Tim moved his bedroom furniture to the flat, the profiling bed was moved by the suppliers this morning.  The bedroom, indeed the whole flat, looks great!   Tim had a flat battery which slowed them down a bit so I was kept busy for a couple of hours after work finishing off.   We ate together before I went back to clean ... and finish off at Aber where the wedding paraphernalia had been in use again and needed collecting.   A Steampunk wedding ... Wish I'd had time and my camera!   

I managed to leave my phone in the cafe tonight, a discovery that involved a third trip of the day up the valley to collect it at 1030pm.   Back to Jamie's to fit his bedroom curtain rail and home a little after midnight.   And breathe.

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