In the rain

Today we had a plan.  The plan was.................... I would stay 'home alone' while Ann, & her friend Charlotte, went to their smartphone photography course. Afterwards Ann would pick me up and we would both go to Charlotte's for lunch. After lunch, Ann & Charlotte would take me for a walk and then we would walk home through the fields. That sounded like a lovely day to me.

…............Best laid plans and all that?!

The reality......................... I went for my morning walk to the local shop and then I went for a play in the field. IN THE RAIN.

Ann walked the 10 mins to her course IN THE RAIN and the 10 mins back IN THE RAIN. In fact before she went to Charlotte's for lunch she had to change her trousers because they were so wet.

I was snoozing in my bed when Ann came home and I somehow sensed that I wasn't going anywhere so I didn't even bother getting out of bed. Ann said, 'Trixie, I'm just going to pop up to Charlotte's in the car for lunch. I'll put some treats in your snake and you can have some more snooze time.'

Ann drove to and from Charlotte's IN THE RAIN and when she came back she took me for a 45 min walk IN THE RAIN. The house smells of wet dog now!!! Well it's hardly likely to smell of wet cat is it???

This evening I had more snooze time while Ann went off to do another 'Kangoo Jump' class. She drove there & back IN THE RAIN. Well it wasn't like she was going to sit in the sunshine drinking wine was it?

I'd like to think I might be able to go out for my bedtime wee in a couple of hours and stay dry. ….................Unfortunately our weather app is still showing rain for the rest of our life!!!

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