Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Goodbye G

Popped into the office to say goodbye to a very popular member of staff who is going to live abroad. Tears were shed, cakes were eaten, hugs were handed out to anyone who needed one. Very emotional day.

TGR went to see her aunt. We managed to fill up with diesel. It turned cold. We ate Japanese / Korean food. 

I finished reading Bewilderment. Basic thesis is that the planet is screwed, the politicians aren’t helping, most people have their heads in the sand. In the midst of this we are all looking for connection - maybe to that special one, or maybe just to anything and everything. But the world we live in is determined to frustrate. Have a burger, go on social media, do as you are told. If you don’t the police state will come crushing down on you. Agree with all that but the book itself has more preach than reach. Not the winner in my view.

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