Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


We went to Hoxton to the Museum of the Home, 


an institution endowed by Sir Robert Geffrye, who made his money partly on the backs of slaves. Today it is an institution that catalogues diversity and highlights important social issues (such as - irony intended - homelessness).

I never take my home for granted. It is the only possession, the only material thing I really care about; it is my place of solace and safety, a magnet for the people I love, a launch pad for my daily excursions into the scary world around me.

 If you can, get there, it is lovely and moving.

Afterwards we walked the twenty minutes down to The Unity Diner in Spitalfields. 


Wonderful vegan food, all profits to animal charities. This was a blow out affair. The mock calamari is incredible. Cocktails to give your tongue a twirl. 

We needed a walk after that so hoofed it back to Waterloo, stopping only briefly at Tate Modern to get tickets for Infinity Mirrors in December. I took this shot in one of the backstreets near The Gherkin. Has that classic run down look of old London. They really need to fix their lettering.

A neighbour popped by late afternoon with a tray of home made vegan cupcakes. And Mystic Em bought us all little presents, which was lovely. It felt like love was oozing out of the woodwork.

The evening was spent in our local pub, where we did have quite a lot of beer, wine and spirits. And some animated conversation. It was, as they say, a proper session.

Great day.

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