Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Seattle, Beautiful Seattle

My morning alarm sounded at 3:30 a.m. Ugh! Got me ready to go and finished the final packing. We were out the door at 5:25. Then at the airport curb, I kissed Mr. Fun goodbye. I checked-in, went through the security check, and my Southwest flight departed from Ontario at 6:45 a.m. After a stop-over in Oakland, we landed in Seattle at approximately 10:15 a.m. Met Trudy near baggage claim. Took a 40+ minute taxi ride to the brand new cruise terminal at Pier 91 to board the MS Amsterdam.

Ours is the first ship departure for this season and from this new pier. After a lifeboat drill with the lovely, stylin' bright orange lifejackets, we sailed at 5:00 p.m. from this beautiful city with the backdrop of the skyscrapers and Mt. Rainier. The weather is fabulous!

It's been five years since spending time with my girlfriend Trudy. We have talked non-stop all day. We're having a blast. Tomorrow we're exploring Victoria. I will report it right here tomorrow evening (late).

Good night from the waters of the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
Rosie, aka Carol

P.S. To Mr. Fun -- I miss you. Thanks for being okay with this weekend girlfriend extravazanga. Love YOU!

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