Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Bite size

The first few bites were at home. A lie in until 8.15. Then I roasted some tomatoes with garlic, sweet paprika and kosher salt, which TGR and I ate later on toast. Beautiful. If I’d had some sourdough instead of Sainsbury’s sliced whole meal it would have been even better.

Managed to read a few pages of Bewilderment, the last of the shortlisted Booker books. Very enjoyable but not the winner for me. I think that will be The Fortune Men. We’ll see.

We went to London. After some heavy rain the sun had come out although the wind was still blowing and phrases of autumn were in the air. Had coffee in the Scooter Bar, which never disappoints. Lower Marsh was buzzy and nostalgic. I took TSM’s picture outside a Tai restaurant that she used to frequent with Maude, and she took mine outside a well known Spanish place where my brother and I had an embarrassing experience with Ken Clarke and a young blond woman about fifteen years ago. 

Saw a lovely old Citroen in Roupel Street.

Spent an hour in Tate Modern. Some very thought provoking stuff on there at the moment. There was a dance performance in progress when we walked up to Waterloo bridge. That’s where I got the blip. Tales of the unexpected. Certainly doesn’t happen on the Basingstoke Canal towpath. 

A bizarre and rather lovely moment followed when I was stopped by fellow blipper Peter Jordan (see extra) who had recognised me as we walked past each other outside the National Theatre. He was up from Winchester and I was up from Woking - what are the odds? One of the reasons I love Blipfoto. 

Some big bites in the Banana Tree Thai restaurant in Soho. Really good vegan food. Then we went to the veggie pret to try and get a vegan egg sandwich but they had just closed due to staff shortages. The manager opened the door when she saw our disappointed faces and, after a bit of special pleading on my part, gave us two baguettes FOC. 

Then went to the Algerian Coffee Shop in Old Compton Street. More varieties of coffee bean than you can shake a stick at. We were mentored towards buying a smooth South American  variety called Veluto Nero. I’m no connoisseur but I love a good cup of Joe and a freshly ground bean is best.

Had a family zoom tonight. Should have been with my Yorkshire family in person but the petrol shortage stopped us travelling.

Good day. https://photos.app.goo.gl/fhUqqiHifXpguGcP8

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