How Green is our Home

Our whole Land is covered in green! And the kittens are fine, and it's lovely to be back. 

But very strange to think we were in the Azores this morning, then breakfast at Ikea in Lisbon, and that Ju and Tom only left on Monday - feel a bit discombobulated...

And isn't it ironic that, on Blip, when we have the most photos and the most to tell, is exactly when we don't have time to edit and choose and think what to say?

The main thing to say about the Azores is that I thoroughly recommend it, especially for Blippers. Don't feel I did it justice with my photos (or the write-ups), you can't really hold non-Blipping friends up while you look for the best angle, and we always seemed to be in the car when the light was best. 

Also, I suppose because we went from within Portugal, and Ermelinda is good at bargains - but the whole trip, including flights, hire car, fuel, apartment for four nights, parking for our car, food (we ate one meal out every day), entrance fees, everything - came to about €300 each. Of course you could spend a lot more, especially if you wanted to see some of the other eight islands.

- safety in flight and Mike's driving
- everything in order here at home
- our comfy bed waiting for us, didn't sleep much last night

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