The blipping Hobbits

A busy day when  trailer load of wood was delivered first thing this morning. KK pleaded too sore to help after his episode yesterday, typical. Hubby and I stacked the wood and I made some soup, potato and leek, it must be winter.I also sorted the moths out from the trap first thing, 10 species of 22 moths.
 In the afternoon we had a mini blip meet after a request to look at some moths. Good to catch up and blether and also to try Flecky's lens on my fuji, 80mm f2.8 on the macro setting. Impressive but expensive. I have put a moth shot in the extras, it's an Angle shades, one of our Autumnal moths that looks like a leaf.
 Hubby then serviced the Rayburn and lit it for the winter, we can now dry washing again.

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