who knows?

Government shut down - the question is who will get blamed. If team x can get America to blame team y, team x wins! If team y can get America to blame x, team y wins! If you think the other team will get blamed, you are incentivized to burn the system down. If you think you'll be blamed, you are incentivized to keep it from happening. Sometimes teams miscalculate. 

The gang is still working on the retaining wall. "Mistakes were made." They have not trashed my yard. No tree has fallen (yet). 

How to keep tourists from walking on your hot lava from your still erupting volcano? It is a problem. I want to cook on hot lava but I want to walk on cold lava. I've never walked on hot coals, why would I walk on hot lava?

If you listen to the lava flow, it sounds like broken glass - because inside there is breaking glass. :-0

Thank you for hosting the very popular Flower Friday BikerBear

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