
By DonnaWanna

Old Artworks....with Dust

Spent part of yesterday going through some old boxes of junk. Some of it was good junk and this was one of them.

I made this out of ferrite rings and cable ties after I butchered an old abandoned Telstra switchboard for art materials.

I wanted to make it really big but couldn't get enough of these to keep going. It's quite heavy so if I had gone on with it I probably would have had trouble lifting it!

I'm not sure what to do with it, it will probably go into another box and be stored for a further 20 years because I haven't got the heart to throw it away!

For the last half an hour I've been trying to take pics of the rain because its bucketing down (finally), but nothing really worked, so in the end I've had to resort to the dusty old artworks :))

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