Walk to pre School

I woke up twice in the night sweating buckets, so much so that there was hair dye all over the sheets and pillowcase. Had to put the washer on. I did feel so much better and told Mel if the sun was shining I would walk Ada to pre school. 
When we set off the sun was not too bright but as we hit the field I said I needed to put my sunglasses on and she said she did. She put her bag on the floor, opened it and put them on, I had to smile. We had a lovely walk looking for autumn treasures and singing songs in funny voices. She found a beautiful red leaf and said she was going to make a Santa face with it from play doh. I told her I would pick a leaf for me on the way home. She asked if I wanted her play doh to make a face!!
This afternoon I've done another job for the responders but I wasn't happy and have told them, I think i've hit the jackpot difficult person. I am supposed to ring her up every week for 4 weeks but I've told them they need to find someone else for next week!
Thank you for your lovely comments and care yesterday I do feel better so it was only a 24 hour thing a reaction to the flu jab.

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