Kate picks up a sandwich

We wandered down to the harbour this sunny morning to take some pictures and to buy fish/kippers etc. As we came out of Robson's with our purchases, Gordon saw someone he recognised. We continued down to the harbour and then realised that some filming was going on. So of course we returned to find out what was happening. By that time we realised it was Kate Humble.

Kate was there with a film crew and I assume they were making one of her coastal walk programmes. I took a few photos, mainly to send to our daughter who is keen on 'celebrity spotting', but I liked this one of her with her sandwich (kipper sandwich perhaps?) sharing some comments with one of the locals. 

Extra 1 - the crew set off across the road and down to the harbour, where she was filmed sitting on the harbour wall. We then made our way back to the house, noticing on the way that Kate and her crew got into cars and drove off. No idea where she was walking, or if she was walking at all. She did have a  back pack!! Did she get to eat her sandwich I wonder!

Extra 2 - The Kipper Shop with smoke. Gordon likes the kippers, I prefer the hot smoked salmon. They do have other fish. We're having smoked haddock tonight.

I did take some nice photos of the harbour, but I thought that was rather boring - better some drama any day. 

This afternoon Gordon took the bus from Craster to Seahouses and walked back along the coast - 11 miles. I stayed here!

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