River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Autumn Equinox

Woke up before 6 this morning, weather was lovely all day.
MrD went to do a quick shop, got everything on the list and a few more things …
Very quick chat with The Sailor.
Moved pots around in the greenhouse and garden.
Found Mexican Daisy https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2885263877711332179 seedlings growing between the paviours and eased them out with my vegetable knife then potted them up - free plants!!
Started off some seeds: bunching onions, broccoli and wildflowers left over from the last Seed Swap. They are safely in a clear, sealed plastic storage box. 
Pea shoots and salad leaves sown earlier this month are growing well.
Ancestry has had a bit of a makeover and I seem to have become VERY Welsh! When I received my DNA results 18 months ago I was only 42% Welsh https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2685276886803681205 - earlier this year that had gone up to 77% and today I’m 98% - I’m sure my Lincolnshire grandparents are not pleased up there in Heaven :-))
There’s an explanation here

Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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