
It was a two swim day.
It was a chilly night with an incredible bright moon shining across the bay so I was glad of my duvet and sleeping bag.
My first swim was at 8 and then I had some breakfast and started to pack up. That’s the biggest difference I’m noticing not having the camper ... the time spent pitching and packing and it is a lot more tiring.

I headed over to my friend’s at Gatehouse for coffee and then we went for a gorgeous walk along the shore near Knockbrex. We had a picnic at one of the bays and I had my second swim. As we headed back we saw a good sized field mushroom which I squirrelled away for my tea and I picked sloes which were everywhere and conveniently close to the ground, low cropped by the prevailing winds.
Then it was back for a cuppa and I set off home.

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