Interesting Architecture
Walking north today, I see another building has disappeared since we were away. No sign to tell what’s coming…But now one can see the back of this other interesting building above that was partially obscured before. I couldn't appreciate those outdoor decks before. So time to take the picture. It’s called the Hexagram Building (? I suppose one can find 6 sides)) and has apartment space and office space. Put the front from the next street up in the extras….the frontal one was merged in lightroom as it wouldn’t all fit in one frame. but it seems a bit distorted. There’s a wonderful historical carved panel in the shadows.
Feeling a small bit of “Fall-Back-To-School” energy so am trying to follow thru on some online classes with my camera. Lazy me and for a time one armed me has used the phone so much and I do love it and all the apps. But don’t want to forget how to use the camera too. We’ll see how this goes……….
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