After school

A gave myself a 'day off' today, I was going to have a slightly more relaxing week this week, but there's a new deadline looming and so my week reduced to a day, and in fact, I spent most of the morning writing up a document for a meeting on Wednesday. I did dedicate a couple of hours to sewing, which was lovely, not too much left to do and I'll have a pair of curtains for the living room (will need to make a second pair for the smaller window though). 

Picked up the boys and they demanded to go to the park, so we did. The half hour I promised turned into an hour and a quarter,  happy children. Home for playing, the youngest is fascinated with the hotwheels loop the loop and loves watching a car go around and around on it. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
A slightly more relaxed day and enjoying no immediate deadlines
Practising spellings over the dinner table 
The husband speaking to family friends he stayed with when he first came to the UK - they are like extended family to him and it was a much needed call 

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