Our day went from good to bad!!!

..............And now my human is traumatised and I'm exhausted?!!!

The day started well................... I went to my third agility class this morning. We worked on jumping, weaving, the tunnel and also got introduced to the see-saw (which apparently is the hardest thing for doggies to learn due to the noise it makes when it hits the floor and the fact that it goes up and down.) Ann can't actually take many photos of me at agility because she has to go round the course with me.

There were only four of us in class today. Two of them were Spaniels and they wouldn't go through the tunnel. Obviously I was a 'perfect pooch'. I'm super speedy and I pick things up really quickly. Nothing phases me. And do you know what the teacher said?........................... She said that people would pay thousands of pounds for a little doggie like me and I could easily be trained to compete at Crufts??!! Ann felt like the proudest collie pup mummy in the world.

…...............Until this afternoon!!!

This afternoon we went to Asda at Hayle (I had to wait in the car) and then we walked down the Estuary. Its not a long walk, but there's loads of prickly bushes and guess what lives in prickly bushes?................... Rabbits. Yay! I went off chasing a few times but I didn't catch any and then when we got to the end of the walk, just look what I found................... a manky old Cornish tennis ball. I've got 22 manky old tennis balls in my Edinburgh home but none here so Ann said I could keep it.

Famous last words..................... Half way back to the car, I stopped still, (manky old tennis ball still in my mouth), staring at something in the prickly bushes. Ann said, 'Trixie come, you can't possibly catch a bunny if you've got a manky old tennis ball in your mouth.'

Mmmmmmmmm..................... that's what she thinks?

Ann carried on walking, I zoomed into the prickly bushes and emerged about a minute later, with a dead baby bunny in my mouth.

Ann totally freaked out because she's not good in a crisis didn't know if the baby bunny was still alive. It most definitely wasn't!! Very, very, very long story short. I have never, ever, known Ann to be sooooo angry with me.

However, on a positive note; Ann screamed at me to, 'wait', which I did. And while I was 'waiting' I opened my mouth so the 'baby bunny' fell to the floor. And while I was 'waiting', Ann kept screaming NO at me. She was screaming a lot of other things at me as well but I don't think they can be repeated on such a lovely place as BLIP. I knew that I wasn't allowed to pick up the bunny and run away with it. Originally I thought I might bring it home and put it into my toy box!!!
I certainly wouldn't have been that obedient a couple of years ago.  And I have to say, Ann was very, very, pleased that I did as she said.  Even though she did capture me and put me back on my lead.

At the end of the day it was really, really, naughty of me to chase and kill a baby bunny though tbh Ann thinks it might have already been dead because she didn't hear any squealing and surely a baby bunny would have squealed if a collie was killing it?!!!! And surely a baby bunny can run faster than me. ….........Maybe she's just trying to justify my appalling behaviour to herself??

Anyway as soon as we got home, I flaked down and went to sleep. I haven't even bothered to eat my dinner, I'm so tired from chasing (and catching a baby bunny)........................

And my human is so traumatised she's just about to pour herself a third glass of wine!!!!!!!

PS – This is a serious question that my human would like the answer to..................... If I'm ever clever enough to catch a bunny (or a squirrel) again, but don't kill it, but Ann thinks it's injured, what should she do????

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