Possessive and worried?!
I'm possessive. Ann's worried.
Today I went out first thing for my walk. We trekked around town for 45 mins or so, but I was on my lead so I didn't get any 'run about' time.
I stayed 'home alone' while Ann went to her 'smartphone photography course' and when she came home she took me into the field for 5 mins.
She said, 'Trixie, we have a guy coming to fix our guttering this afternoon so we have to wait in for him. He knows I'll be 'at home' from 1pm so I will take you on a proper walk once he's been.'
We spent all afternoon basking on our very sunny sun terrace (isn't the weather in Cornwall just fabulous) and 'guttering guy' didn't rock up until about 4.30pm. He didn't leave until about 5.30pm by which time Ann didn't have the energy to take me on a big long walk. She was a bit angry not with me obv because she'd wanted to go to a new Pilates class at 6pm but couldn't because I needed to go out. Haven't I got a lovely owner, putting me first?
We went back into the field so that I could play with my ball. In the last couple of weeks I've become really possessive with my ball. I used to play with it until I was tired and then I would flop down for a rest. …...........Now Ann throws it once and I catch it and come back to her but I don't drop it. I keep it firmly clenched in my mouth. Why is that? If Ann walks to another part of the field, I'll follow her. I just won't let her have the ball. It's like I've turned into the most possessive little collie pup ever. Then I carry it home and lie on the sun terrace with it for at least half an hour before I decide to leave it outdoors and come inside.
Ann is worried about me. My 'playing with a ball behaviour' has changed. I seem to be tired all the time (though if I'm out on a big, long walk or off my lead I still do lots of running about).
Ann is always comparing me to 'MollyCollie'. She knows she shouldn't, but she can't help it. If Molly hadn't had at least two hours of walks a day, she'd be really hyper.
I just fit in with whatever Ann wants me to do. Is it because I've lived with Ann since I was about 3 months old? Is it because she's trained me better? Is it because I'm a smaller dog that doesn't need as much exercise? Is it because Ann has pretty much been a 'stay at home doggie owner' for the last 18 months due to lockdown? Is it because I was born with a really nice temperament? Who knows??
All Ann does know is..................... I'm the most fabulous little collie pup ever apart from my silly puppy jumping up at random people. And that's why she's able to take me all over the place with her and we're able to have so many adventures together.
PS – Apparently we're going to be working on my 'possessive ball owning problem' over the next couple of days!!!
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