By lizzie_birkett

The worst bit…

…about knitting is the sewing up! Then I still have the neck to do and I don’t like doing that either! 

I have been knitting most of the day, interspersed with odd jobs here and there and taking Bella walkies. 
On the photo she is in her favourite and usual position :-)

Frank had his first piano lesson with the new neighbour - Mary - across the road. She said he’s already quite good but has taught himself some bad habits so he had to start with Three Blind Mice! ;-D))

Thank you for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts for my drawing yesterday. I’m trying to think of a Winter one now, I’m letting it run through my mind before putting it down on paper. I can almost see it!

Tomorrow we’re going to stay on the boat as I have to go into Skipton to collect my new varifocals, go to the Art shop and in the evening it’s Tap dancing! 

In other news:
Amelia passed her grade 2 figure skating exam today!
Little Lucy woke up with a red  blotchy face and swollen eyes. A virus apparently.
Amelia’s class teacher is off with Covid as are a table full of boys in another class! 

Goodnight Blippers ;-) X

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