By lizzie_birkett


A foggy start to the day and there were beautiful cobwebs everywhere - including this signpost. I took loads of photos of them on Bella May's walkies this morning. The signpost is in a very small back garden along the towpath and it is filled with all manner of Canal related objects and memorabilia. 
Bella is mostly off the lead along the tow path but most days we meet two lovely Asian gentlemen going for their daily walk and they aren't keen on dogs - I think they're a bit scared. I always fasten the lead on when I see them coming and then we can exchange a few words without the risk of her jumping up at them (she loves everybody!) 
I'm having a morning to myself as Frank has gone to the house. Someone is coming to buy one of his 2 banjos. He sold a bass guitar the other day.

Did anyone watch David Attenborough last night.
An important and very hard hitting documentary.
I've been going on about such things for years and was laughed at by many!
Something needs to happen and quick :-/

I'm also fed up of people moaning about the Covid restrictions. What do they expect when rules are not adhered too? It's a pandemic!

After that early fog the sun is now out and it is gorgeous weather!

Enjoy the sunshine :-)X

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