
Last year when I blipped a similar fungus and said it looked disgusting, I was upbraided by a friend who commented that she thought it was beautiful.

Well one year on and a similar fungus at the base of a different chopped down tree and I am moderating my description. I couldn’t call it beautiful but it is intricate
with some lovely detail. I don’t know if it is specific to one species of tree but I think it might be. Does anyone have a name for the fungus?

It’s been a cheerless day weather wise, but made tolerable by having coffee in someone’s house. That hasn’t happened very often these days.
What also hasn’t happened for 18 months but is happening tomorrow morning is a face to face book group meeting here in the Dower House. The cake has been baked and the feather duster wafted over the furniture. The vacuum cleaner has also made an appearance and various piles of ‘stuff’ shifted out of view.

Now I’m off to ice the said cake- gluten free chocolate, if you’re interested.

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