
To be honest, I haven't had much to do with Leicester in my life, I always associate it with a friend, Paddy, that I made at university, and the only times I’ve been there since were for a splendid Public Service Broadcasting gig at the National Space Centre and a couple of work trips.

However, I expect we'll be visiting a little more often from now on because this is the miniMinx's new home as she dances her way into the world of higher education.

We drove her there, today, setting off a little later than planned but still arriving early afternoon. I did my bit, helping to ferry everything up from the car, and then I left the ladies to it, sorting out the room, while I wandered into the city itself, starting my walk with the longest terraced street in England!

I found a nice little café for a peppermint tea and did a bit more work. In fact, it struck me just how much I managed to get done today considering that at no point was I at my desk or even in front of a laptop.

Anyway, you'll be pleased to hear that when I returned, the miniMinx's room was looking great and she was already chatting to some friends from her course about going out in the evening. That put me in mind of my first week at university and all those late nights with new friends. The lack of sleep caught up with me one morning in the refectory at the students' union. I sat down before my nine o'clock lecture and woke up four hours later!

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