River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: Happy Memories

Up early and delivered my car to the body builders who will put 2 new front wings, clean the chassis, paint and oil seal it and give it a good clean and tidy up! It's going to be away for about a week ... 
MrD was waiting at the garage and delivered me home.
Rained most of the morning.
Picked another handful of tomatoes this morning to add to the bowl in the kitchen, they are ripening quickly and being eatedn almost immediately!
Pulled up 2 of the bare tomato plants and reused the compost, one pot with forage peas (soaked in water overninght) for pea shoots and the other with assorted seeds for salad leaves. Both pots protected from slugs by old net curtains and the garden sieves. 
I'll have to clear out the greenhouse and collect the slugs and move them into a sealed compost bins - some of the slugs are massive!!
Started raining again 3:30pm so gave up the gardening and went indoors.
Picked 4 courgette, courgette count = 36
On this day in 2009 I was on my second day of the most perfect week on Bardsey Island, I kept a journal (as I’ve done for most of my life) and often read it. I have loads of photos which I took also loads which my friends took and gave copies to me, the memories are all alive and well :-))
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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