Newest member of the Family

What an amazing day it has been today.

Firstly my Best Friend from school who I last saw 15 years ago (to the day) came to see me. We went for a walk and just talked and talked. We both had so much to fill each other in on. Divorces, evil ex's, estranged children, loosing homes etc etc. Her situation was far worse than mine. But it felt so great to see her and I reassured her will will definitely be staying in touch now. Back to being Besties. 

I then took her to the garden centre where DN1 was waiting for me to pick her up. Nicky surprised DN1. It was a beautiful reunion and they both realised that 26 years ago to the day Nicky was holding her as a 4 year old as my son Sam was being  born. They were present.

So Happy Birthday Samuel Squidget. 26 years old today and spending time with his beautiful new girlfriend before he travels up tomorrow.

DN1 and I then did a bit of shopping for DN2 and we then went to go and visit my gorgeous new Grandson - Jasper Quill Brown. Oh my - he's a little beauty!!! And DN2 looks so well and is coping SO well. Shes feeding him herself and feels fine. What a beautiful Family.

DN2 was a bit worried about DN1 still having Covid germs around her so asked her not to hold Jasper. Its understandable as a new Mother but a little upsetting for DN1 who knew she wasn't contagious anymore. So I too decided not to hold him as I had already been holding Matty. I will see them again on Tuesday so will hopefully get a squish then!!!!

Its been a day full of emotions but the Sun is shining in my life again. xxx 

So heres my Challenge word of Family. Failed in the order already!!!!!

1.    New
2.    White
3.    Feet
4.    Flower
5.    Sleeping
6.    Tiny
7.    Cotton
8.    Steps
9.    My Favourite....
10.  Looking Down
11.  Cake

12.  Family
13.  Numbers
14.  Wood
15.  2pm
16.  On Your Plate
17.  Handmade
18.  Heart
19.  Animal
20.  Mug
21.  Reflection
22.  Open
23.  Landscape
24.  Bokeh
25.  A Picture
26.  Above me
27.  Water
28.  Pattern
29.  Autumn
30.  A Selfie !!

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