Camino to COP

We had a delightful day today beginning with the up and over village walk but stopping at the cheese shop in Churchend, L'Affinage. We selected a dozen different cheeses too take for a picnic later, made it home and set off for Froster Common.

Parascenders (extra) were leaping madly off the edge of the common into the Severn Vale beyond, as we sat down for cheese heaven. As we devoured everything in sight, the Camino to COP 21 came over the brow of the hill towards us.

Camino to COP is a pilgrimage to Glasgow, initiated by Extinction Rebellion's faith bridge:

"This is a walk for everyone, although initiated by XRUK Faith Bridge. We will be walking from London and Bristol to Glasgow. Leaving London on Sunday 5th September, leaving Bristol on the 9th September and arriving in Glasgow on 30th October. 

The purpose of the walk is to build alliances and engage communities along the route –  faith communities and other local communities – and to spread the word about the urgency of the need for meaningful action to address the global climate and ecological emergency."

We may have fed them strawberries and grapes as they passed. Total respect for their endeavour.

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