Ruin at Clett

It's still windy, with a fairly dry morning.  Showers started in the late afternoon, and more frequent this evening. 

Another day working in the museum.  We've had a fairly busy day, still plenty of visitors around the isles.  Been out to Burra to see Lorraine and Tommy this evening, and a walk with Sammy.  Working in the pub later.  Sadly we've had another case of Covid-19 in Shetland, hope we get it contained quickly.  The first case since early August.  

It wasn't much of a evening for walkies, but Sammy needs it.  As we walked around the village, we came up to this old croft house.  I'm sure it hasn't been too long, since the roof fell in.  The building is going down, and the south lum is ready to topple with the next big gale.  Taken at Clett, Hamnavoe, Burra. 

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