New home…

Big Sis and I were lunch guests today at the new home of friends from our teenage years at our church. They were wonderful mentors and listeners back then. Now we’re all much on a par and the years between us have disappeared.

They decided during the lockdown that it was time to downsize and make that big move to a smaller more manageable home. Still an amazing double fronted, three bedroom, ground floor Victorian conversion of a good size but just perfect. The dining area opening onto a delightful small garden which is now the perfect home for their many potted plants. And not surprisingly, their furniture and style suits it down to the ground. Lots of colour and decorated with much of their own artwork. I was well smitten.

Choir again this evening and I’m really glad I’ve joined! And D has had a good day out with Little Sis’s husband and is now at table tennis.

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