River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Speckled Wood

Didn’t wake up until 8 o’clock and felt exhausted after yesterday’s adventures! Had breakfast in the garden and felt much better …
Today's gardening job was to finish clearing along the top path, my gardening assistant Robin was busy chirrping and trying to supervise me!
After the path clearing, I started cutting branches of the Weigelia and the twisted hazel - which is in need of a very intensve pruning!
Had tomatoes and cucumber from the greenhouse with my lunch.
Made compote with Bramley apples, a couple of our damsons and blueberries and some frozen fruit from Lidl.
Ate one of our Bardsey eating apples - MrD has been eating them for a couple of weeks and quite a lot still on the very small tree.
There have been lots of these butterflies around for the last few days but this was the first time that one actually stayed put when I took a photo - in fact I took quite a few photos, 10 o'clock and the sun was just coming through the trees onto that part of the garden!
Cloud building up all afternoon, feels close and sticky ... storm forecast ...
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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