Back at the beach

Can you believe that I've been back in St Ives for five days and until today I hadn't had a play on the beach? Usually it's the first place that Ann takes me but (unfortunately for me) we've been mega busy doing other stuff.

Anyway we didn't have much to do today (apart from Ann eating & drinking AGAIN!!!) so off we went down to the beach for my morning walk. I'm allowed on this beach before 10am and after 6pm.  Roll on 1st October when I'll be able to play and play and play on the beach all day.  Yay!!!

It was really, really misty down on the beach this morning. We couldn't even see the end of the beach and the tide was in so there wasn't much beach. I didn't care. I dug a few holes and then I made friends with some of the other doggies on the beach who wanted to play chase with me. Obviously they couldn't catch me because I am super speedy. It was fun, fun, fun.

And now for a little RANT!.........................................

As those of you who read our BLIPS regularly will know; when we are not in St Ives, we rent out our very lovely home to holiday makers. And to be honest we've never had any problems doing this. Ann has worked in the hospitality industry for more than 20 years, (including working 10 years in a holiday letting company) so she knows what she's doing. It's not like she's just thought, 'Oh everyone is coming to Cornwall for theirs hols, I'll just rent out my house and make a load of money.' Everything in our house is up to 'Visit Britain' standards (and Ann knows exactly what people expect because she spent years inspecting holiday lets and years working with holiday makers who generally tend to leave their brains behind when they come on holiday).

Anyway this evening she switched on a lamp (which has been working for the last 5 evenings) and it didn't work so she just assumed the bulb needed changing. Ann has left her visitors a box full of spare bulbs and batteries so if a light bulb needs changing or a TV remote needs new batteries, the visitors can just do it themselves. It's not exactly rocket science???

…...................And now for the RANTY bit.................... In the bulb/battery box was an empty bulb box (why would you leave an empty box?) but there was also a bulb, but when Ann put the bulb into the lamp it didn't work. So now the question is?............................. Did the bulb not work because it was the old bulb that guests had just thrown into the bulb/battery box when they changed a bulb. Or is it a more serious problem and the lamp now doesn't work???????

Obviously this doesn't sound like a major problem in the big scheme of things, but we can assure you, it's very, very, irritating. Would you want to go on holiday and find that lighting in your holiday property didn't work and there were no spare working bulbs?

Not sure what the answer is, but fortunately as this is our 'other home' rather than an, 'all the year round holiday home', we are here on a regular basis (obv we weren't last year cos we were locked down in Scotland) to sort out all these silly little niggles. And also we have the most fabulous housekeeper in the world. Thank you Julia. xx

…..............And that's enough RANTING for one day!!!

PS – If any of you lovely BLIP/FB friends want to come to stay in Nov/beginning Dec let us know and we' ll give you a 10% discount. (Ann can't remember how to put in a link.  Lol!)

St Ives,  Less than 10 mins walk to the town & beaches.  Sleeps two (in a double bed), free parking, wifi, dog friendly, sun terrace. Min three night stay.

.....................And if you've managed to read to the end of this BLIP; well done you. xxx

Edited 09/0921 - here's the link to our house.

..........Oh and all the bulbs in all the lamps are also now all working.  Lol!!!

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