2 hours on my lead!

When Ann owned 'MollyCollie' she had a 'routine'. Molly got an hours walk in the morning and an hours walk in the afternoon. But for most of Molly's life, Ann had a job with set hours. Now Ann doesn't have a job with set hours so she doesn't have a routine.

However, because we live in a flat I obviously have to be taken out first thing in the morning for toileting purposes. I never know whether my 'first thing in the morning walk' is going to be for 10 mins or more than an hour. But do you know what?......................... I don't care. I just fit in with whatever Ann wants to do. I'm such a chillaxed, adaptable little collie pup.

Take this morning, for example, I went trekking around on my lead for about half an hour and then I came home and had my breakfast. At about 10.30am Ann said, 'Trixie, I'm doing a 'meet & greet' this afternoon so lets go out for a long walk now. Usually I have some 'run about' time but today I didn't. I trekked around the streets of Edinburgh, on my lead, for more than two hours because Ann was on a mission to photograph 26 Edinburgh bars starting with every letter of the alphabet. She does like her little projects!!!!

Anyway after she'd finished photographing pubs we walked along the canal on the way home. But I still had to stay on my lead because a lot of cyclists use the canal path.

Ann was out for a couple of hours this afternoon and when she got home at 4ish she took me for another little walk around the block on my lead. I'm back in my bed having more snooze time now. Sometimes I'm more tired when I have to stay on my lead than I am when I have run about time.

And now we're just watching the news. Covid on the increase again??!! But surely that was only to be expected with everyone back at school, pubs/restaurants re-opened, and lots of people back at work.

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