
I had a blip planned for today using some Cotton Yarn, a hook and a Heart Shape but DN2 had other plans!

After an early Walkies with Mr W to avoid the heat, I planned to take DN2 for a gentle wander around our local garden centre to look for House Plants for Sam's Birthday on Saturday.

As I arrived at the house, Josh came running out, hurdling a cubic tonne of sand and excitedly told me that DN2's waters had literally just gone. I went in to see her. She seemed extremely relaxed and decided she still wanted to go to the garden centre. I told her to pad up with big pants and off we went! It was lovely. We had a very gentle mooch around. She looked at me in a smiley daze a few more times as she lost more water and after our purchases (and a cheeky pic with a silly sign) we made our way back.

They have been advised to go in for an assessment and fingers crossed things start naturally before tomorrows planned induction.

Thank you all for your lovely words yesterday. I feel a bit better today. There is far worse going on in the world at the moment and I just need to get a grip. Its still breaking my heart whats going on with my nearest and dearest and I will do what is right for me and them and must remember that after every storm comes rainbows. 

Here is the rest of the challenge words if you would like to join in. Just tag your entries HFSept2021. Todays in DN2 in a beautiful Cotton Number. She's bought very few maternity clothes but this one is lovely.

1.    New
2.    White
3.    Feet
4.    Flower
5.    Sleeping
6.    Tiny
7.    Cotton
8.    Steps
9.    My Favourite....
10.  Looking Down
11.  Cake
12.  Family
13.  Numbers
14.  Wood
15.  2pm
16.  On Your Plate
17.  Handmade
18.  Heart
19.  Animal
20.  Mug
21.  Reflection
22.  Open
23.  Landscape
24.  Bokeh
25.  A Picture
26.  Above me
27.  Water
28.  Pattern
29.  Autumn
30.  A Selfie !!

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