
Took Tia for a very pleasant walk with friend M and Jack this morning; making the most of beautiful weather and not being at work :) We walked around the reservoir so the dogs could have plenty of shade. 

Then Tia and I went to the house and I spent hours cleaning, collecting up random rubbish, retrieving the parts of two borrowed wallpaper steamers and trying to work out how to get them back in the box, seeing if the oven works... that kind of thing. It was hard, messy work but I felt better for it.

As a treat for her patience I took Tia for a sunset paddle (see extra). I am enormously tired but she's beaten me to it and taken herself to bed, curling up ON my pillow! I wouldn't normally encourage a dog on the bed but it's what she's used to! 

Super hot today, more summery than in the summer!

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