
I had a nice day, today. I went to the new office with the Minx in the morning, had lunch in Skipton (see Extra) with a former colleague*, visited the whisky shop there to get a birthday present for Yoss (the tutor at college), and then went back to the office, dropping off Yoss's present on the way.

I'd also planned this evening to see Charlie and her cousin, who was once my niece but on my ex-wife's side, and I'm really not sure what happens to those labels when you get divorced.

Before I did that, though, I managed to squeeze it a run around Salford Wetlands, where I took today's photo, which set me up nicely for a couple of beers with Charlie and Phoebe (my erstwhile niece) at the New Oxford, where, happily, I bumped into Yoss and was able to wish him a happy birthday in person. (Or, if you like, in Pearson.)

*I have a tremendous story that involves this ex-colleague, Hugh. It has all sorts of drama and excitement, as well as a tremendous closing 'scene'. However, to enjoy it, you really need to be a bit of a database nerd and, specifically, a DB2 database nerd. Not really a story for Blip, then :-/

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